Lancaster House Treaty sign-off by the French president Nicolas Sarkozy and the UK Prime Minister David Cameron at the London FR-UK summit on 2nd November 2010.
10 years anniversary of the Lancaster House treaty
On 2nd November 2010 two Treaties were signed between the UK and France.
The first was the Defence and Security Co-operation Treaty, the purpose of which is to develop cooperation between the United Kingdom and France. This enables the sharing and pooling of materials and equipment including, through mutual interdependence, the building of joint facilities, mutual access to each other’s Defence markets, and industrial and technological cooperation.
The second was the Joint Radiographic/Hydrodynamics Treaty which confirms agreement to deliver and operate Hydrodynamics research facilities under a jointprogramme called ‘Teutates’.
The Teutates Programme comprises the following capital projects and their joint commissioning, operation, maintenance and decommissioning:
- a joint Radiographic/Hydrodynamics testing facility called EPURE located at CEA, Valduc in France
- a joint Technology Development Centre (TDC) located at AWE, Aldermaston in the UK.

Vanguard SSBN
UK Nuclear-powered balistic missile submarine

SNLE Le Triomphant
French Nuclear-powered balistic missile submarine