The UK/French joint technological developments
MERLIN flash X-ray radiographic machine during tests in the TDC
The Teutates UK/French joint teams develop high technologic capabilities to be used in the EPURE facility throughout its operational life, which key elements are the following ones:
- The x-ray machine, based on Induction Voltage Adder (IVA) technology (Merlin), second radiographic axis of EPURE. Merlin was built in the Technology Development Center (TDC), located at AWE in the UK, prior to transfer to EPURE.

Technology Development Centre (TDC) at AWE, Aldermaston
- Gamma Ray Cameras are necessary for capturing radiographic images. Developments are done in TDC to enlarge acquisition fields.
- A third radiographic machine, flash x-ray technology based (AIRIX type), similar to the first EPURE axis. This third axis is being built at CEA’s Cesta site, in France.

Gamma camera to acquire
X ray radiographics

Third flash X-ray machine components during tests at CEA/DAM CESTA centre.